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Optisystem cosimulation with Microwave Office

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Optisystem 6.0 can do cosimulation with Agilent ADS via signal waveform data. The data contain time and voltage of each sample.
Description of Optisystem:
"This component can save files in the 'TIM' format. The .tim and files are signal data files in Agilent EEsoft ADS, MDIF format. They contain time-domain waveform data for defining the signals associated with certain sources."

The problem is, I don't have ADS, but we have Microwave Office. Does anyone how to save/load waveform data of MWO to .tim format?

Thanks in advance


No, but you can use the PWL source or either HB or Hspice simulations. The PWL source can read it's values from a text file; time in the first column and voltage in the second. Be careful using the PWL source with HB since it must be periodic.

To write data to a file, choose a graph, then export trace data from the graph menu.

If you are using VSS you can use data source and sink.

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