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feko troubleshoot

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In FEKO segment numbers (around a loop, for example) are random and When I use 2D plot of current segments vs. segment numbers I get nothing! (instead of a sine or etc.)

Anyway to sort number?

You can export wires in NASTRAN format, update it manually in ASCII text-editor or mesh-editor like ReMesh or Hypermesh or FEMAP. If you could upload file - I can try if it is not very large.

Here is the file for a very simple simulation

Everything is OK with model - I have it just opened and calculated - result attached - no problem with segment numbering.

If the number of segments are too many you could manually renumber them by using "select mesh element" (one of the blue icons near the top middle in CADFEKO)
Then save the model. Just remember that if you remesh the old mesh that you changed manually will be overwritten.

Else you could create the wire loop in EDITFEKO which will give sequential numbering from the beginning.


上一篇:+feko +tim
下一篇:有没有FEKO 64位破解版下载?

