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首页 > FEKO天线仿真 > FEKO仿真讨论 > What is the application of FEKO?

What is the application of FEKO?

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what is it good for? and not for?

A MoM package comparable to WiPL-D & NEC. Most useful for analysis of large body scatterers, large volumetric antennas and antenna placement problems including support structures.

Feko is a hybrid of MoM and Geometrical theory of difraction, which make it suitable for use for analasys of larger structures, for example ships and helicopters.
There are few moduls (parts) of program, depending on the application and physics discipline ( EM, stress analasys end so on).

I do not know about the version you are talking about, hope this helps.




上一篇:FEKO warning: Singular field on the surface of a triangle
下一篇:FEKO HOW TO CREATE SURFAce from polyline or cuve?

