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舰载电子战飞机 RCS 特性数值模拟

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舰载电子战飞机 RCS 特性数值模拟

内容简介:对舰载电子战飞机的雷达散射截面(radar cross section,RCS)特性进行研究。分析作战剖面下雷达波对于机体的俯仰角,建立舰载电子战飞机 A 型号和 B 型号的三维 CATIA 模型,基于物理光学法和等效电磁流法,使用 RCSPlus 软件,数值模拟在 UHF、X 和 S 雷达波段下舰载电子战飞机的 RCS 特性,研究电子战条件下飞机被雷达发现概率,并对仿真结果进行数理统计分析。研究结果表明:对低空隐身飞机设计时,要降低俯仰角在-7.30°至14.78°之间飞机的 RCS 值,就可以降低距离26 km 以外、高度8 km 以下的所有雷达的探测距离;舰载电子战飞机 RCS 特性 A 型号与 B 型号相比,在 X 波段下,头向 RCS 减小了40.95%;舰载电子战飞机 A 型号在与无电子战时相比,被 X 波段雷达探测到距离缩短了63.24%。

Abstract:The radar cross section (RCS)character of carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft (CEWA)is studied.The pitch angle of radar waves to the body under combat section is analyzed.By using CATIA,3D models for the CEWA of type A and type B are built.Based on the physical optics and the equivalent electro-magnetic flow method,the RCSPlus software is used to numerically simulate the RCS character of CEWA under UHF-band,X-band and S-band.The detection probability of aircraft by radars is studied in the condition of electronic warfare.And the simulation results are analyzed with the mathematical statistics method.The results show that in low-altitude stealth aircraft design,reducing the RCS of the aircraft with the pitch angle between-7.30°and 14.78°means reducing the detection distance of all the radars 26 km away and 8 km below;under the X-band,the RCS of type A reduces by 40.95% compared with type B of CEWA;and in electronic warfare, the detection distance by the X-band radar of type A reduces by 63.24% compared with that in non-electronic warfare.

作者:岳奎志, 贾忠湖, 姬金祖, 苏珉,

关键词:雷达散射截面, RCS, 飞机总体设计, 电子战, 舰载机, 隐身, 物理光学法



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