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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > Which ADS version runs on Vista?

Which ADS version runs on Vista?

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Hi all,
i try to install ads 2004A on my laptop which contains Vista .but there is always error.is this software is competible with vista?May be some problem in my software,is there any link where i can download this software to install on vista operating system.


Only ADS 2008 can work on Vista


some people say if u adjust the comptability properties in vista , but the offical release 2008 is the only one for vista


Thank you to all of you to solve my problem.

ADS 2006 can work on Vista too.

I've instal ADS2006A on aLaptop Vista and works perfectly.

yes the ads 2005 is not working at vista

before install setup file
please, right click this setup file go properties/compatibility/compatibility mode/
select run compatibility mode for windows xp
i hope help to you

Well, I have ADS2005A working on Vista correctly. I have to admit that it cost some friend of mine some effort to get it working, but now it works...


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