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Smithchart plot for variable capacitors in ADS

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Hi all.

I have a question, if this is possible with ADS.

I have a simple circuit with 50ohm input impedance and 2 Ohm output impedance. The circuit has two parallel shortstubs connected in series with a capacitor each (Say C1 and C2). Now what i want to do is, putting the constant values of both the stubs and varying capacitors C1 and C2 between 1pf till 20pf at a single frequency, need to plot all combinations in the smithchart (to choose the best combination)..Is this possible?..Can anybody help me.

Thanks a lot

You can use the "Parameter Sweep" block and sweep those capacitance values and plot whatever impedance you want on the smith chart.

Thanks a lot, it helps


上一篇:layout in ADS
下一篇:ADS PDK for TSMC 90nm

