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how to insert Via in ADS layout?

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hi all

I am simulating a microstrip design in ADS 2011 layout. I don't know how to insert via properly actually I defined via hole while defining substrate and there is a component named via in library but when I add it to my design no thing extra appears in 3D view.

can anyone tell me how to define via properly ?

This is for EM?

If you have mapped a layer in your substrate as a via layer, just draw something (circle, line or other geometry) on that layer.

If you are using the "VIA" element, set the property "HoleLayer" to the name of your via layer. By default, the layer name is "hole".

yes it is EM
thanks alot for your feedback, the problem is solved :)


上一篇:data display automatically shown in ADS
下一篇:Stripline simulation by ADS

