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频带可调的RF MEMS开关微波滤波器设计

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一种频带可调的RF MEMS开关微波滤波器设计

内容简介:将RF MEMS技术应用于集总模型,设计了一个基于RF MEMS开关控制通频带的微波滤波器.该滤波器的通频带可在3.43 GHz-6.39 GHz和6.81 GHz-10.57 GHz之间切换,等效于一个滤波器实现了两个或者多个滤波器的功能,同时又可充当电路的开关.相对于传统带通滤波器,基于MEMS技术,该滤波器具备便携化、小型化和多功能化等特点,尤其是更易于系统集成.仿真结果还表明,在通频带内传输系数低于-0.5 dB,该滤波器可应用于超高频通讯系统.

Abstract:A band-pass microwave filter,whose band-pass can be adjusted by RF MEMS switches has been designed.Compared to conventional band pass filter,the adjustable and switchable filter allows high frequency,smaller size,and lower cost.The pass band can transform between the frequency range of 3.43 GHz-6.39 GHz and 6.81 GHz-10.57 GHz,which is based on classical design theory of band pass filter achieved by lumped model and RF MEMS theory.The filter has the function of two or more filters because its frequency band can be adjusted,and it can be a switch at the same time.Based on MEMS technology,the filter for systcm integration becomcs easier to easier.The simulation results indicate transmission coefficient is less than -0.5 dB in the pass band.This filter can be well applied in SHF communication system.

作者:张作龙, 熊祥正,

关键词:带通滤波器, 可调, RF MEMS开关, S参数

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