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HFSS15: User Customization through User Defined Primitives (UDPs)

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User Defined Primitives (UDPs) allow users to add customized geometric modeling commands to the HFSS Desktop. UDPs are compiled libraries that can be added to the desktop interface and shared between users with common modeling needs.

To create a UDP, see Creating a User Defined Primitive for requirements and the procedure for building a proper DLL.

In order to share UDPs between users, an existing DLL may be copied into the userlib>User Defined Primitives subdirectory which can be given the paths specified in Tools>General Options Project Options tab. Placing an appropriately constructed DLL in this subdirectory and executing Draw>User Defined Primitives>Update Menu adds a new menu item in the Draw>User Defined Primitives menu to allow access to the UDP.

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上一篇:UDM Properties
下一篇:Units of Impedance Boundaries

