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HFSS15: User Defined Definitions: Python Script API

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A User Defined Definition (UDD) extension is implemented as an IronPython script that defines a class with a specific name: UDDExtension which derives from a specific base class IUDDPluginExtension and implements its abstract methods.

Import Statements

The base class to be used and the types it uses in turn are contained in .NET assemblies. The use of these requires that the assemblies be imported into the UDD script: the following import statements should be added to the top of the python script:

from Ansys.Ansoft.DocGeneratorPluginDotNet.DocGenerator.API.Data import *

from Ansys.Ansoft.DocGeneratorPluginDotNet.DocGenerator.API.Interfaces import *

UDDExtension Class

The UDD itself should be implemented as an IronPython class called UDDExtension which must derive from the IUDDPluginExtension abstract base class (from the Ansys.Ansoft.DocGeneratorPluginDotNet.DocGenerator.API.Interfaces namespace).

Note that power users could derive a class hierarchy tuned toward a specific type of UDDs and that they can derive from their own base classes. The only requirement is that directly or indirectly, the UDD class must derive from IUDDPluginExtension.


def BaseClassUDD ((IUDDPluginExtension):

#base class implementation

def UDDExtension ((BaseClassUDD):

#UDD class implementation


All of the above text has been copied from the help section for the UDOs and modified for the UDDs. Since the UDDs are modelled after the UDOs, the usage is also similar.

IUDDPluginExtension Abstract Class

Required functions:

The IUDDPluginExtension abstract class declares the following abstract methods that must be implemented in the UDDExtension class or one of its base classes. Not implementing any of these methods will result in a run-time error and a non functioning UDD.

GetUDDName() : Return a string that is used as a prefix for all solution instances created using this UDD.


def GetUDDName(self):

return "MinMaxAvg

GetUDDDescription() : Returns a description for the UDD, its purpose etc.


def GetUDDDescription(self):

return "Sample UDD”

ShowDefaultSetupDialog() : Returns True if the default dialog is to be shown. Return False if the user does not want the default dialog. In this case the user might want to implement/show a customized setup dialog.


def ShowDefaultSetupDialog(self):

return True

GetUDDInputParams(List<UDDInputParams> uddInputs) : Returns the list of inputs parameters for the User Defined Document. Returns boolean: True on success, False on failure.

The supplied input parameters are used to populate details of the parameters to which the UDD user will specify value, specify the input names and their types.

uddInputs: .NET list of UDDInputParams objects. The UDD script is expected to add one instance of UDDInputParams for each input definition it wants displayed. The UDD user will, when creating the UDD, assign a matching value to each such input.


def GetUDDInputParams(self, uddInputs)

# Boolean input

param1 = UDDInputParams("Summary","Display Summary", Constants.kBoolTypeStr, True)


# Text input

param2 = UDDInputParams("Name","User Name", Constants.kTextTypeStr , "Sita Ramesh")


# Number input

param3 = UDDInputParams("Version","Script Version", Constants.kNumberTypeStr, 1021)


# Solution input

param5 = UDDInputParams("DLMetrics","Data Line Metrics",Constants.kSolutionTypeStr)


# Trace input

param5 = UDDInputParams("DQ0","DQ0",Constants.kTraceTypeStr)



return True

Based on the input params the following dialog is displayed when you click Reports>Create Document. The name and description of the UDD are also displayed in this dialog.

Generate(List<UDDInputData> uddInputs, IUDDGenerator generator, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) : This is the main method which accesses the data from the uddInputs and generates the document.

uddInputs: The list of inputs that the user setup in the dialog. They are now available to query for data.

generator: This is the document generator object which we use to create different elements of the document like titles, sections, tables, images and write the data too. This interface is explained in the Document Generator Interface document.

progressMonitor : IProgressMonitor object. This can be used to set progress for long running calculations, check for user initiated abort etc.


def Generate(self, input, docgen, progMon):


# Gather data from inputs

boolinput = input[0].Data()

textinput = input[1].Data()

dblinput = input[2].Data()


# Get document root

docroot = docgen.GetDocumentRoot()


# Add Section

section1 = docroot.AddSection("Summary", "Overall Results ")


# Add a table

table1 = section1.AddTable("Test Summary")


#Add a table group with 2 columns

tgroup1 = table1.AddTableGroup(2)


# get desktop application

oApp = self.GetUDDAppContext()

if oApp != None:

oDesktop = oApp.GetAppDesktop()

if oDesktop != None:

# version number

version = oDesktop.GetVersion()

text1 = tgroup1.AddContent()

text1 .Add(0, "Product Version")

text1 .Add(1, version)


oProject = oDesktop.GetActiveProject()

if oProject != None:

projectname= oProject.GetName()

text1 = tgroup1.AddContent()

text1 .Add(0, "Project")

text1 1.Add(1, projectname)


oDesign = self.GetUDDDesignContext()

if oDesign != None:

designname = oDesign.GetName()

text1 = tgroup1.AddContent()

text1 .Add(0, "Design")

text1 .Add(1, designname)


# Provides a script path

scriptpath = docgen.GetScriptPath()

text1 = tgroup1.AddContent()

text1 .Add(0, "Script Path")

text1 .Add(1, scriptpath )


#Provides the script version

text1 = tgroup1.AddContent()

text1 .Add(0, "Script Version")

text1 .Add(1, str(dblinput ))


#Provides the output xml path

outputpath = docgen.GetOutputFilePath()

text1 = tgroup1.AddContent()

text1 .Add(0, "Output Path")

text1 .Add(1, outputpath )


#Provides the user information

text1 = tgroup1.AddContent()

text1 .Add(0, "User")

text1 .Add(1, textinput)


# Generate Xml output



# Generate Html output



# Generate PDF output



return True


Optional functions:

SetupUDDInputParams(List<UDDInputParams> uddInputs) : Displays a customized dialog and returns the user choices for the input params.

uddInputs .NET list of UDDInputParams objects with values for each of them. These can be the user choice for each input obtained through a custom dialog or some other non graphical assignment.

We cannot process trace and solution types of input with a custom dialog because there is no way of assigning solution data to the input without the invocation of the reporter dialog.


def SetupUDDInputParams(self, uddInputs)

udddialog = BaseExampleUDDDialog()

if udddialog.ShowDialog() == Forms.DialogResult.OK:

# Boolean input

param1 = udddialog.GetInput("Summary")



# Text input

param2 = udddialog.GetInput("Name")



# Number input

param3 = udddialog.GetInput("Version")


HandleUDDEvents(List<string> eventTags) : The tags associated with the event is received

by plugin using this abstract class.

This method is the event handler for all link events set by the SetEventLink() method on a IUDDText. Refer to the definition of the IUDDText object in the Document Generator Interface document.


def HandleUDDEvents(self, uddLinks):

if uddLinks[0] == “Open” Report”:

# Get Design Name

oDesign = self.GetUDDDesignContext()

if oDesign != None:


return True

GetUDDSchema() : Returns the file path of the schema to validate the xml. This will override the default schema used. Return string containing the full file path of the schema.

def GetUDDSchema(self):

return "C:\Program Files\Ansoft\Designer8.0\Windows\common\docbook\schema\xsd\docbook.xsd"

GetUDDStyleSheetForHtml() : Returns the file path of the style sheet used to generate the html document. This will override the default stylesheet for html. Returns string containing the full file path of the style sheet.

def GetUDDStyleSheetForHtml(self):

return "C:\Program Files\Ansoft\Designer8.0\Windows\common\docbook\"

GetUDDStyleSheetForPdf() : Returns the file path of the style sheet used to generate the pdf document. This will override the default stylesheet for pdf. Returns string containing the full file path of the style sheet.


def GetUDDStyleSheetForPdf(self):

return "C:\Program Files\Ansoft\Designer8.0\Windows\common\docbook\xsl\fo\docbook.xsl"

GetFopExecutable() : Returns the file path of the fop executable used to generate the pdf document. This will override the default stylesheet for pdf.Returns string containing the full file path of the fop executable.


def GetFopExecutable(self):

return "C:\Program Files\Ansoft\Designer8.0\Windows\common\ApacheFOP\fop-1.0\fop"

GetUDDAppContext() : Returns the UDD Owner (if set). This is a Dispatch wrapper that is essentially a COM IDispatch implementation and corresponds to the IDispatch pointing to the desktop app.

GetUDDDesignContext() : Returns the UDD Owner (if set). This is a Dispatch wrapper that is essentially a COM IDispatch implementation and corresponds to the IDispatch pointing to the Design.

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上一篇:User Defined Outputs: Introduction
下一篇:Units of Measure

