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HFSS15: User Defined Document Scripting Interface

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To access the UserDefineddocuments scripting object, use:

Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("UserDefinedDocuments")

Once you have the scripting object, you can use the following methods:-

1. AddDocument([in] VARIANT data, [in] VARIANT traces, [out, retval] BSTR* uniqueName)

a. Takes a VARIANT data which defines the document.

b. Takes a VARIANT trace data for the inputs in the document.

c. Returns a unique name

2. EditDocument( [in] BSTR originalName, [in] VARIANT modifiedData, [in] VARIANT modifiedTraces, [out, retval] BSTR* uniqueName)

a. Takes the name of the original document.

b. Takes a VARIANT data which defines the edited document.

c. Takes a VARIANT trace data for the inputs in the document.

d. Returns a unique name

3. RenameDocument( [in] BSTR oldName, [in] BSTR newName)

a. Takes the name of the original document.

b. Takes the new name of the document.

4. DeleteDocument( [in] BSTR name)

a. Takes the name of the document to be deleted.

5. UpdateDocument( [in] BSTR name)

a. Takes the name of the document to be updated.

6. ViewHtmlDocument( [in] BSTR name)

a. Takes the name of the document to be viewed in HTML.

7. ViewPdfDocument( [in] BSTR name)

b. Takes the name of the document to be viewed as a PDF.

8. SaveHtmlDocumentAs( [in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR saveTo)

a. Takes the name of the document to be saved.

b. Takes the file path to save the socument as.

9. SavePdfDocumentAs( [in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR saveTo)

a. Takes the name of the document to be saved.

b. Takes the file path to save the socument as.

10. GetDocumentDefinitionNames( [in] BSTR separator, [out, retval] VARIANT* names)

a. 'separator' is used to convey the directory "level"

b. Returns the (file) names of doc definitions according to the files in various installation directories.

11. DeleteAllDocuments()

12. UpdateAllDocuments()

For 6, 7, 8, and 9, the document must have an existing, generated HTML or PDF.

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下一篇:Unit Vec Command

