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HFSS15: Specifying the Hard Memory Limit

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The Maximum RAM Limit setting specifies the absolute limit on the amount of memory that the solver can use. If the solver attempts to allocate more memory than this setting, the solution process will terminate abnormally, and incorrect error messages may appear.

To specify the Maximum RAM Limit for the current user and machine:

1. Click Tools>Options> HFSS or HFSS-IE Options.

2. Click the Solver tab.

3. Select Maximum RAM Limit (MB).

4. Type a value for the maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, in the text box.

The solver will only use the amount of memory specified and no more. This setting affects all HFSS or HFSS-IE projects for the current user and machine.


ANSYS recommends that you use the Desired RAM Limit setting if you wish to limit the RAM that the MPS (default) solver may allocate. However, the Iterative solver doesn't go off-core for efficiency reasons. Because the Desired RAM Limit (the soft memory limit) is used for off-core run it is not appropriate for the iterative solver. Instead, the Maximum RAM Limit (the hard memory limit) is used. Once the limit is exceeded, iterative solver will issue an "Out of memory" error message.


Allocation of greater than 2 GB of RAM on 32-bit hardware platforms is only possible with the appropriate operating system and boot settings, even if more than 2 GB are physically installed. See Increasing PC RAM.

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上一篇:Specifying a Linear Count of Frequency Points
下一篇:Specifying Convergence on Real Frequency Only

